post-acquisition integration

Post-acquisition Integration

When the transaction finally closes, many people believe that the hard work is done. But in reality, it is just the beginning; a poorly planned or executed integration will significantly diminish the value that the deal intended to deliver.

At NEA, our team of M&A professionals have significant experience in guiding business leaders throughout the life cycle of a transaction. In particular, when it comes to post-close activities, we ensure there is a keen focus on methodically integrating the organizations with a close eye on deal value maximization for both transition services agreement (TSA) and synergy management. Our Consultants have delivered successful integration services to hundreds of large and middle market companies.

Post-acquisition Integration - NEA

delivering the deal’s potentials

All too often, deals that make great business and financial sense on paper deliver lackluster results, largely because they were poorly planned and executed. This failure to plan diminishes the opportunity for optimized financial, human capital, operational and technology implementation.

By involving NEA in the early stages of your next M&A deal, you’ll get straight talk, objective counsel and the confidence of working with professionals with a proven track record of delivering successful integrations with maximum results.

how we help

Our collective knowledge and experience is captured in our proven, time-tested framework that helps us anticipate issues and provide effective solutions across the life cycle of a transaction. This includes:

In this early stage, our team of professionals will assist you in reviewing the deal thesis in order to provide early council on how to align your acquisition to achieve maximum value and results.

This critical stage involves taking a close, real-world look at the cultural, organizational, financial, operational and technical aspects of each organization respectively. This early review helps us determine the size of the gap as well as the degree of difficulty in closing that gap. These insights allow our team to scope and plan the integration with the necessary levels of precision. The intention is to establish an integration management office (IMO) and team structure in order to deliver maximum results and value with minimal disruption to the business.

The deal thesis outlines the objectives of the transaction. In order to meet the synergy targets and capture the intended value, it is critical to focus on those objectives, take planned action and work the roadblocks. NEA’s M&A professionals focus on capturing these critical value items and offset the risks with advice and planning to maximize timing and reduce risk impact.

Starting with the end in view is important to minimize ongoing cost and transition to normal operations. Establishing the timeline, identifying long lead items, and focusing on unwinding the entangled elements will allow management to gain overall control as quickly as possible. NEA’s role is to transition all of the business functions minimize elevated costs of operations and efficiently transfer management control of all of the business functions.

After the deal closes, there are a number of critical phases the acquiring entity must successfully navigate if it is going to reach its full potential and meet the financial expectations of the transaction. Our integration methodology contains the necessary steps, tools and accelerators to help business leaders organize and develop an integration road map that supports their day one, day hundred and subsequent milestones and business continuity needs.

In addition, our methodology outlines the standard approach to structure the interim and longer-term initiatives necessary to support the overall transaction objectives, while realizing and tracking expected synergies, TSA costs and deal value throughout the life cycle.

More than 70% of integrations fail to deliver the expected results mainly due to the absence of a clear post- merger planning.

Developing and supporting the first 100 days of an integration is a vital component of our comprehensive post-acquisition integration offering. NEA has broad experience in supporting external growth initiatives throughout the entire deal cycle as well as in the divestment/carve-out area. We always recommend to support an integration with a tailored project management office as well as other supportive activities such as change management or a focused IT approach. All of these elements are fully or chestrated to meet the overall objectives of M&A within the anticipated timeline.

what we think